Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Chapter A Day

Today is a day of extreme significance for me. I haven't had the chance to think over things and articulate its importance properly; nevertheless, it is something I needed to write about while it is still relevant. It is the end of a long journey of awareness and discovery for me, and yet it is also the beginning. Sometime around January 28, 2003 I began a vow to read a chapter of the Bible a day, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, the latter of which I read today on May 1, 2005. For anyone who is wondering, reading the Bible in this manner takes exactly 3 years and 94 days. There are quicker ways of accomplishing this, there is a system to read the Bible in one year, or in three years exactly by combining smaller chapters together. However, back in the beginning of 2003 I decided to stick to the plan of reading and meditating on just one chapter a day. I owe this idea to a Rastafari leader named Dr. Vernon Carrington, "Prophet Gad", or as we Twelve Tribes of Israel fondly call him, "Gadman".

About 5 years ago I began to seriously sight up Rastafari, living a certain way of life, following certain teachings and applying them to my own personal trod. Years before that, I had been aware of some things, but not until I was exposed to the "livity" on a day-to-day basis did I truly understand it. Rastafari revealed itself by the hand of Almighty JAH through friends and those around me. Yes, Jerusalem schoolroom. It was the most pure and unadulterated thing I had ever witnessed, and that is how I approached Rastafari, not a political thing, a nationalist thing, not a joke thing... just love, understanding, equality, justice, and righteousness. Soon after gaining a foothold, I was tested in the fire of tribulation, a personal battle that eventually refined me and made me stronger than I had ever been before. To make a long story short, that trial brought me closer to JAH and I pursued Rastafari even more, trying to find those with a common vigor, and more people I could learn from. Although my bredrens were not part of any particular organization within Rastafari, many of the teachings and reasonings they shared with me were similar to what I found when I came across the Twelve Tribes of Israel, an organization or "mansion" within the Rastafari movement. It is not necessary to go into detail about them here in this entry, but many things made sense. My bredrens had shown me how all mankind was manifested in the Twelve Tribes, when I learned that this idea along with others I held were sighted up by the organization, I went to a meeting to see for I-self. Later I became a member of the Twelve Tribes, but that too is another story. One of the teachings espoused by Twelve Tribes was Gadman's calling to "read one chapter of the Bible a day, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22", with a "clear conscience" in order to find the truth for oneself.

In Rastafari I found certain sets of people saying different things, yet all identifying themselves as Rasta. I also read the words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, and found some contradictions amongst those following H.I.M., so by this time I was trying to find the deeper substance of things, the voice of JAH and not the voice or traditions of man. All Rastas sight up the Bible in some portion, most pick and choose... but Gadman said to read the whole Bible, and even more so, King Selassie I said that all of the Scriptures were written for our instruction. I had decided to take up Gadman on his instruction, and I am very thankful for it. It was not about somebody telling me what to believe, nor any particular group. Not my Catholic upbringing, not any church, politician, ideology, not any Rasta group, whether Nyabinghi, Bobo Shanti... not even Twelve Tribes. It was about finding the Truth for oneself. Spirituality and recognition of the Bible and certain biblical truths are what seemed to put everything together for me... a natural mystic outside the bounds of any rite or ritual, and a learning spirit free of a hardened heart. Such a foundation is a blessing, because as H.I.M. Emperor Selassie I said, "Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as was given by the Most High." Reading the Scriptures gave me that realization and it really didn't matter to me what the next man say.

Within those 3 and a quarter years of reading I have grown tremendously. I have gained so much wisdom and have made my own mind based upon what I have learned and meditated on. Rastafari liberated me, but not without the daily meditations on the Scriptures to help give me some guidance. When I needed in answer to something in my life I could find it through prayer, meditation and studying the words of the prophets. These 3 years have also presented many other changes... escalated wars in the world, injuries and physical changes I've had, relationships, deaths, births, etc., even Gadman passed in 2005. The journey is never done though, and it goes beyond the mere pages of a God inspired book... it is Life it is Creation, the Truth is revealing. The trod never ends cause I&I never stop growing, always seeking JAH in all things! Tomorrow I start reading again... Genesis 1, another walk with King Alpha and Queen Omega.

Bless Up,

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