Welcome to a brief glimpse of my soul. This is the man behind the veil of all of the words, thoughts, and ideas floating around me… things read or spoken. I am a simple man of flesh and blood. No greater than the next man, or woman… for a man is just a man. Usually it is my place to promote spiritual upliftment and share some of the things I have found along my journey. It is my identity, a calling that I had chosen to follow. Yet I do make mistakes, for I am only a man. If my confidence appears to mean that I know everything and do everything right, then that is the wrong perception. I am aware of myself and of my faults and shortcomings. Yes, certain things I believe in so strongly that they resonate in the core of my being. These things I would by no means consciously waver from, because they are weaved into who I am, and what I represent. However, outside of these vital parts of my character, I am sometimes guilty of falling short of many of the ideals that I espouse. Self-control and discipline can go a very long way, but it can never reach perfection. It would be nice to avoid hurting people, but sometimes this happens, especially unintentionally. It would be nice to be patient and kind all the time, but I have my moments of being the opposite. It would be nice to never allow any profanity to pass through the gates of my mouth, but this may happen too. It would be nice if I could never be jealous, rude, insensitive, disobedient, disrespectful, negative, weak, foolish… you name it, all of the vices. Yes it would be really nice, but there is one huge problem… I am just a man. Am I better than the average? Perhaps in certain behaviors or actions that I have learned to foster or subdue, but in the end, weighed against all else, when I am judged by mankind or by the Most High… I am still just a mere man.
Such is the man behind the prayers to JAH, behind any words of inspiration… or behind emotional poems venting frustration, all of the pieces of me that I freely give out to anyone who cares to look. I am a teacher, but sometimes the teacher needs to be taught. I am more or less simple to read and candid with people… but sometimes the artist in me needs to illustrate feelings in a different way… for creativity's sake, for the message's sake… for goodness' sake. Should every word be examined and upset the balance? Not at all, they are only for your consideration. Sometimes I use allegories and metaphors in my poetry and prose… these are my entitled expressions, the images I choose to use for either promoting my philosophy, or for conveying my bare feelings… emotional, gritty, and often exaggerated. This is how I am inspired to write. One could argue that the ancient Scriptures, the parables, and the texts of many religions do the same thing. They give you something to reflect on, and leave the rest for you to find and make connections until you have your faith, your belief, and your own identity. I am not comparing myself to anything sacred, I am only saying take me as I am. There is much more to me than a few words, a few thoughts. I am a man of complexity, strong in some aspects, weak in others. Before anyone can cast judgment, good or bad, one should always look on the other side of the coin and see the vulnerable underside that is rarely known or understood… the soul of a man.
I am a positive man, an honest man, a reliable man, a person of integrity… but forgive me when I fail to live up to your expectations, for that is not my purpose. My purpose is to live life, and share some love and respect with those who cross my path, and to make amends when I fail. May the Most High search my heart and examine my mind. My friends, accept me or reject me for who I am… I&I will always be around.
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O JAH, my strength, and my redeemer." - Psalm 19:14