Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wordical Murderation

Tell me why bother to commit
Wordical murderation
And in selfish frustration
A slip of the sharp tongue blade
Proverbially pulling trigger
Go figure... without hesitation
Desecrating my temple in your crusade
Word-Sound to bury one in ground
Instead of reasoning
All I see is insults abound
Why runup the mouth, spewing sulfur
Polluting the atmosphere
With negative vibes...
Should I care when I breathe fresh air
Yet, tell me why ones and ones
Can't speak like grown people
Instead of lower beasts, impulsive and evil
Sinking their teeth into throats
And surely that day will come
When He separates the sheep from the goats
Why murder with the power you are given
When the word came first
And it gave life to the living

(c) 2007

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