Monday, February 20, 2006

I to I

I to I

Idren to I-sistren
I-bandit to I-victim
I-man to Iyah
I-water to I-fiyah
I-love to I-hate
I-less to I-great
I-Father to I-Son
I-ignorance to I-wisdom
I-courage to I-fear
I-far to I-near
I-black to I-white
I-day to I-night
I-tal to Immaterial
I-humble to Imperial
I-livity to I-deada
I-worse to I-better
Almighty I to Satan lie
I and I
Will never deny
There is only One I

I-Messiah to I-Antichrist
I-virtue to I-vice
I-King Selassie I to I-Mussolini
I-generous to I-greedy
Ites to I-depths
I-naked to I-dressed
I-evil to I-good
I-stone to I-wood
I-Gentile to I-Jew
I-wiseman to I-fool
I-earth to I-sky
I-laugh to I-cry
I-strong to I-weak
I-proud to I-meek
I-promiscuous to I-chaste
I-save to I-waste
The Truth never die
I for I
Rasta for I

I-Mount Zion to I-Babylon
I-right to I-wrong
I-bless to I-curse
I-cradle to I-hearse
I-nity to I-segregation
I-oppression to I-retaliation
I-friend to I-enemy
I-reward to I-penalty
I-hot to I-cold
I-young to I-old
I-poor to I-rich
I-hungry to I-full
I-push to I-pull
I-well to I-sick
I-free to I-slave
I-destroy to I-made
I am I
Ask me why
I reply... Most I

I-womb to I-seed
I-doubt to I-believe
I-war to I-peace
I-west to I-east
I-anxious to Itate
I-go to I-wait
I-Atlantic to I-Pacific
I-vague to I-specific
I-real to Illusion
I-clean to I-pollution
I-saint to I-sinner
I-loser to I-winner
I-conform to I-rebel
I-heaven to I-hell
I-learn to I-teach
I-give to I-receive

I am you
You am I
Come mek we try
To see
I to I

(c) 2006

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