Friday, January 7, 2011

Hand Of God, Part II

Hand Of God, Part II

A new day had dawned and it was time
That I began ascending toward Zion
High above the murky mires and valleys
That I had once roamed in my distress
Yet His Gracious Hand delivered me
And He then filled me with love and said
"Now you are a light unto the world
Shine in the darkness so that all may see
And never hide yourself under a bushel"
So I went forth to follow His Majesty

The road proved to be rocky and steep
But faith helped me to find the way
Through tight passages and sharp peaks
Climbing, I heard cries from behind me
And His voice said, "Be my Hands..."
I turned to see so many people who had
Been guided by JAH lamp within my soul
And so I pulled, as my Father had told
But while reaching out I started to slip
When I recognized the grip saving me

And behold, I was held in His embrace
It felt to me like my parents
He said to I, "Love created you"
It felt to me like my siblings"
He said to I, "Love grows with you"
It felt to me like my neighbors
He said to I, "Love lives with you"
It felt to me like my lover
He said to I, "Love comforts you"
And behold, I could feel JAH Love within me

(c) 2011

January 7th is “Lidet”, or the “Birth of Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ/Yeshua Ha'Mashiach)”. Iyesus came as the Light of the World to glorify the Father. He said for us to follow him and shine our light in the same way and manifest love, so that we may bring His children out of the darkness. I give thanks for the Love of Jehovah through His Son, Iyesus. As a Rastafari, I see this also in the personality of King Selassie I. This love however is also ever present in my life through my family, friends, and companions. Light begets light... Give thanks to the Savior, The Light. I&I Rastafari do the work of His Hands.

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