Friday, May 23, 2014

What A Joy

What A Joy

I vividly remember
The instant you emerged 
From your mother's womb
And into the hospital room
There I stood... in awe
Beholding my newborn
And after receiving you
I introduced you to our world
My daughter, my Makeda
What a joy to see you!

You were once so little
That you were able to fit
Neatly into my hands...
For the rest of my life
I will relive those first days
As I held you against my chest
Amazed that your mother
And I were your parents
My daughter, my Makeda
What a joy to hold you!

It began when your eyes
Met mine for the very first
Time, would soon show us
The dawn of your sweet smile
And after awhile we heard
Your laughter fill our home
As my heart burst full of
Love for you and your mother
My daughter, my Makeda
What a joy to know you 

Each day brought us a new gift
I was surprised when
Slowly, sounds shaped into
Your first words: Mama, Dada
And rhythm allowed you to
Move and dance, standing
Then taking a chance with
Finding your first steps
My daughter, my Makeda
What a joy to watch you!

Now, twelve months with you
Have become a year and
Soon you will walk beside me
Speaking to your Daddy
There's so much to discover
You, me, and your mother
Have a lifetime together, and
You're our love at the center
My daughter, my Makeda
What a joy to teach you!

(c) 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

From Four Corners

From Four Corners

He emigrated from the rustic green hills
Of Avellino, Italy, to journey
So far beyond that small universe until
Crossing geographic borders that surely
Could not contain his imagination, and still
Laid a foundation for family, strong and sturdy
He taught me how to wonder; now I know its worth
I'm created from the four corners of my birth

She valued hard work and determination
The keys made for opening an auspicious 
Future, sown by an early education
And I still can taste the Sicilian dishes
Prepared in her kitchen, presenting occasion
For listening to guidance and best wishes
She told me to always strive; now I know its worth
I'm created from the four corners of my birth

She looked through radiant portals of prayer
To help direct her in daily interactions
Finding reasons to live, laugh, love, and to bear
Witness to others with ceaseless compassion
And charity that could not even compare
To her trust in God and saintly satisfaction
She taught me how to have faith; now I know its worth
I'm created from the four corners of my birth

He required no handicap to play his course
In all his endeavors, he remained steadfast
Able to succeed and become a driving force
A man who would not be defined by the past
Using inspiration from the heavenly Source
To produce gladness in his heart, unabashed
He showed me how to endure; now I know its worth
I'm created from the four corners of my birth

(c) 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Forever Loved

Forever Loved

This night she lies here, drawing in gentle breaths
And quietly dreams of another wondrous day gone by
This night, safely tucked against her mother's breast
She abides in the natural abundance of love's supply
Our little daughter, warmly wrapped in your lullaby
Shielded from any shadow that would have her suffer
She knows that you will be there to attend her cry
Between you is a sacred bond, found betwixt no other
You are forever loved, for you are forever her mother

(c) 2014